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  • Elena Maro

Who are the Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners?

After 3 Level Courses and a Series of Assessments, Graduates of Level 3 of Bach Centre Courses can apply to join the Bach Foundation International Register of Practitioners. This global register validates the expertise of Bach practitioners across over 60 countries.

Members of this register are known as Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners (BFRPs). These dedicated individuals share a commitment to Dr. Bach's principles of simplicity and self-help. They adhere to the Bach Centre's Code of Practice, ensuring high professional standards and client safety.

Consulting a BFRP is an excellent way to start your journey with Bach Flower Remedies. BFRPs empower clients by teaching them about the remedies during consultations. 

They provide guidance on how to use the remedies effectively and educate clients about the Bach Flower Remedies, including how they work and how to use them properly. while offering ongoing support to monitor progress and make adjustments as needed.

Practitioners on the International Register are authorized to use the Bach Foundation logo and the designation BFRP. For those specializing in animal care, the title BFRAP (Bach Foundation Registered Animal Practitioner) is used.

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